[horde] Errors upon initial login.

Ibarra, Michael m.ibarra at cdcixis-na.com
Wed Sep 4 07:05:37 PDT 2002


The first line just started happening this morning with the latest cvs.
The other two messages have been happening since I started using
the xml files to configure certain modules. The problem is that I am not
sure where and how to fix these. I am running the latest cvs trees
of all of the horde modules as well. Machine is Linux x86.

Thanks in advance,


Notice: Undefined index: share in /apatched/htdocs/horde/lib/Share.php on
line 48

Notice: Undefined index: socket in /usr/local/lib/php/DB/mysql.php on line

Notice: Undefined index: socket in /usr/local/lib/php/DB/mysql.php on line

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