[horde] Re: LOG_DEBUG [Correction] ?

Frederic Trudeau ftrudeau at cam.org
Thu Sep 5 13:53:16 PDT 2002

Yes, they are being made ...

020905 16:47:33     144 Connect     hordemgr at pegasus on
                    144 Init DB     horde
                    144 Query       select pref_scope, pref_name, pref_value
from horde_prefs where pref_uid = 'ftrudo' and (pref_scope = 'imp' or
pref_scope = 'horde') order by pref_scope
020905 16:47:34     144 Statistics
                    144 Query       insert into log_table
              values(1031258854, 'HORDE', 5, '[imp] Login success for ftrudo
[] to {imap.cam.org:143} [on line 64 of
                    144 Query       select pref_value from horde_prefs where
pref_uid = 'ftrudo' and pref_name = 'last_login' and (pref_scope = 'imp' or
pref_scope = 'horde')
                    144 Query       update horde_prefs set pref_value =
1031258854 where pref_uid = 'ftrudo' and pref_name = 'last_login' and
pref_scope = 'imp'
                    144 Quit
020905 16:47:50     145 Connect     hordemgr at pegasus on
                    145 Query       insert into log_table
              values(1031258870, 'HORDE', 5, '[imp] Logout for ftrudo
[] from {imap.cam.org:143} [on line 34 of
                    145 Quit
020905 16:48:15     146 Connect     hordemgr at pegasus on
                    146 Query       insert into log_table
              values(1031258895, 'HORDE', 3, '[imp] FAILED LOGIN to imap.cam.org:143[imap] as ftrudo [on line 270 of
                    146 Quit

In the above queries, all that will be logged is the "Login success for
ftrudo" entry.

This is very scary.

Frederic Trudeau
PHP Coder, Colocation, Development
ftrudeau at cam.org
514.529.3000 ext. 246

----- Original Message -----
From: "Chuck Hagenbuch" <chuck at horde.org>
To: "Frederic Trudeau" <ftrudeau at cam.org>
Cc: <horde at lists.horde.org>
Sent: Monday, August 26, 2002 1:47 AM
Subject: Re: [horde] Re: LOG_DEBUG [Correction] ?

> Quoting Frederic Trudeau <ftrudeau at cam.org>:
> > When I try to log LOG_DEBUG level messages in SQL, I end up only with
> > Login success messages, that is piority 5 messages, which are notices I
> > think. However,  I get notices, info, errors and everything else if I
> > a file, instead of SQL.
> Did you check your SQL server's logs to see if any other queries were
> made, or otherwise trace anything to see what happens to the other
> under SQL?
> -chuck
> --
> Charles Hagenbuch, <chuck at horde.org>
> "After a few minutes the most aromatic and nice smelling Italian coffee
>  will come out of the exhaustpipe." - Our stove-top espresso pot

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