[horde] Strange language problem

Markus Översti markus.oversti at edu.haapavesi.fi
Wed Sep 11 02:17:15 PDT 2002


I have this weird problem  with language with horde 2.0.

When I get to login-screen, it is usually english (in browsers language 
preferences I have chosen finnish). Pressing refresh usually (sometimes) 
changes language, sometimes not.

Selecting language from drop-down menu changes language, sometimes. Not always.

When logged in to horde/imp, the interfaces language changes occasianally. 
Pressing reload changes language to english to finnish and vice versa.

In /horde/config/lang.php is:
$nls['defaults']['language'] = 'fi_FI';

And in browser's language preferences is Finnish.

What to do? This is annoying... Should I add new locales to server (RH 7.3 with 
apache-1.3.23-11, PHP-4.1.2-7.3.4 and mysql-3.23.49-3)?
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