[horde] OSX Server namespace and IMP

Chuck Hagenbuch chuck at horde.org
Thu Sep 12 06:58:16 PDT 2002

Quoting Fred Wunderlich <fwunder at pwr.com>:

> Anybody know what the correct namespace for OSX Server (10.2 Jaguar)
> should be?


> Allows for successful login, shows that there are messages in INBOX (from
> Folders view), but mailbox.php doesn't display the messages.

This is a completely seperate issue from the namespace... (unless you're
having folder problems too)

> Path to INBOX is:
> /Library/AppleMailServer/AppleMail/UserAccounts/me/INBOX
> Path to messages:
> /Library/AppleMailServer/AppleMail/MailStore

Hmm? So they're in different places?

> Horde/IMP is running on a different machine and has no problem retrieving
> and reading via POP.

Maybe sorting is broken? What version of IMP are you running? It may or may
not have code in it to cope with servers where sorting is broken.

If someone can get me an XServe or anything else running Jaguar, I'd be
extremely happy to make sure that this works. =) I suppose a test account
would do, too, but I can't promise quite the same alacrity/motivation. ;)


Charles Hagenbuch, <chuck at horde.org>
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