[horde] Why is mcal and mcrypt support missing from the rpms on horde.org?

Sydney Weidman weidmans at mts.net
Thu Sep 26 19:35:56 PDT 2002

Chuck Hagenbuch wrote:
> Quoting Sydney Weidman <weidmans at mts.net>:
>>This question was asked several months ago and it was never answered. I
>>have spent days trying to get horde working again after installing the
>>new "improved" version, and i'm finally concluding that it will be
>>impossible to use imp with Cyrus imap (using digest-md5) without a php
>>which has been compiled with mcrypt support.
> Really. Why?
> -chuck
> --
> Charles Hagenbuch, <chuck at horde.org>
> "After a few minutes the most aromatic and nice smelling Italian coffee 
>  will come out of the exhaustpipe." - Our stove-top espresso pot

Does it work for other people? My problem is that no matter how I 
configure horde and imp, I seem unable to login through the web interface.

I should have provided detail rather than flatulence. There is nothing 
more dangerous than being convinced of a diagnosis before you've looked 
at the evidence.

Whenever I try to login I get the following message:

Login failed for some reason. Most likely your username or password was 
entered incorrectly.

even though I can login using imtest, test.php, other mail clients etc.

Here is my relevant configuration info:

-- from horde/config/horde.php.dist,v 2002/05/31 23:57:03

  ** Horde Authentication

// If you want to use IMP with Horde and don't want to let the users
// login twice (once for Horde and once for IMP) you can setup Horde
// to let IMP do the authentication stuff. Just uncomment the
// auth/login/logout lines in registry.php instead of configuring the
// following settings.

// What backend should we use for authenticating users to Horde? Valid
// options are currently 'imap', 'ldap', 'mcal', 'sql', and 'ftp'.
// $conf['auth']['driver'] = 'imap';

// An array holding any parameters that the Auth object will need to
// function correctly.
// $conf['auth']['params'] = array();
// $conf['auth']['params']['phptype'] = 'mysql';
// $conf['auth']['params']['hostspec'] = 'localhost';
// $conf['auth']['params']['username'] = 'horde';
// $conf['auth']['params']['password'] = '*********';
// $conf['auth']['params']['database'] = 'horde';
// $conf['auth']['params']['table'] = 'horde_users';

// For IMAP, this is the server name, port, protocol, etc.
// $conf['auth']['params']['dsn'] = '{imap.example.com:143/imap}INBOX';
// $conf['auth']['params']['dsn']={nardwar.wox.org:993/imap/ssl}INBOX.';

// What preferences driver should we use? Valid values are 'none'
// (meaning use system defaults and don't save any user preferences),
// 'session' (preferences only persist during the login), 'ldap',
// and 'sql'.
$conf['prefs']['driver'] = 'sql';

// Any parameters that the preferences driver needs. This includes
// database or ldap server, username/password to connect with, etc.
$conf['prefs']['params'] = array();

// This is an example configuration for a MySQL preference backend.
// The SQL script to setup the preference database is placed in
// horde/scripts/db/prefs.sql.
$conf['prefs']['params']['phptype'] = 'mysql';
$conf['prefs']['params']['hostspec'] = 'localhost';
$conf['prefs']['params']['username'] = 'horde';
$conf['prefs']['params']['password'] = '**********';
$conf['prefs']['params']['database'] = 'horde';
$conf['prefs']['params']['table'] = 'horde_prefs';

-- end config/horde.php --

Here is the registry.php info:

-- begin config/registry.php --

  * Handlers
  * --------

/* auth: Handler for user authentication.
  *   Uncomment the auth/login/logout lines if you want to let either
  *   IMP or Gollem handle the authentication for Horde. This avoids the
  *   "double login" while accessing IMP.
$this->registry['auth']['login'] = 'imp';
$this->registry['auth']['logout'] = 'imp';

  * Application registry
  * --------------------
  * The following settings register installed Horde applications.
  * By default, Horde assumes that the application directories live
  * inside the horde directory.

$this->applications['horde'] = array(
     'fileroot' => dirname(__FILE__) . '/..',
     'webroot' => '',
     'initial_page' => 'login.php',
     'icon' => 'graphics/home.gif',
     'name' => _("Horde"),
     'allow_guests' => true,
     'show' => true,
     'templates' => dirname(__FILE__) . '/../templates',
     'cookie_domain' => $GLOBALS['HTTP_SERVER_VARS']['SERVER_NAME'],
     'cookie_path' => '/',
     'server_name' => $GLOBALS['HTTP_SERVER_VARS']['SERVER_NAME'],
     'server_port' => $GLOBALS['HTTP_SERVER_VARS']['SERVER_PORT']

$this->applications['imp'] = array(
     'fileroot' => dirname(__FILE__) . '/../imp',
     'webroot' => $this->applications['horde']['webroot'] . '/imp',
     'icon' => $this->applications['horde']['webroot'] . 
     'name' => _("Mail"),
     'allow_guests' => false,
     'show' => true

-- end config/registry.php --

-- from imp/config/servers.php --

// Any entries whose key value ('foo' in $servers['foo']) begin with
// '_' (an underscore character) will be treated as prompts, and you
// won't be able to log in to them. The only property these entries
// need is 'name'. This lets you put labels in the list, like this
// example:
$servers['_prompt'] = array(
     'name' => 'Choose a mail server:'

$servers['cyrus'] = array(
     'name' => 'Default Server',
     'server' => 'nardwar.wox.org',
     'protocol' => 'imap/notls',
     'port' => 143,
     'folders' => '',
     'namespace' => 'INBOX.',
     'maildomain' => '',
     'realm' => '',
     'preferred' => ''

-- end imp/config/servers.php --

Here is some info from the horde test.php diagnostics:

-- FROM imp/test.php --

IMP Version

     * IMP: 3.1

PHP Version

     * View phpinfo() screen
     * PHP Version: 4.1.2
     * PHP Major Version: 4.1
     * PHP Minor Version: 2
     * PHP Version Classification: release
* You are running a supported version of PHP.

PHP IMAP Support Test:

server="nardwar.wox.org" user="weidmans" 
INBOX has 83 messages (1 new 1 recent)

-- end imp/test.php --

-- from /test.php --

Horde Versions

     * Horde: 2.1
     * IMP: 3.1
     * Turba: 1.1
     * Kronolith: 1.0
     * Nag: 1.0

PHP Version

     * View phpinfo() screen
     * PHP Version: 4.1.2
     * PHP Major Version: 4.1
     * PHP Minor Version: 2
     * PHP Version Classification: release
* You are running a supported version of PHP.

PHP Module Capabilities

     * FTP Support: Yes
     * Gettext Support: Yes
     * IMAP Support: Yes
     * LDAP Support: Yes
     * MCAL Support: Yes
     * Mcrypt Support: No
     * MySQL Support: Yes
     * PostgreSQL Support: Yes
     * XML Support: Yes

Miscellaneous PHP Settings

     * short_open_tag enabled: Yes
     * magic_quotes_runtime set to Off: Yes
     * file_uploads enabled: Yes

PHP Sessions

     * Session counter: 1
     * To unregister the session: click here


     * PEAR - Yes
     * Recent PEAR - Yes
     * Mail::RFC822 - Yes
     * Log - Yes
     * DB - Yes

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