[horde] Help - CSS

Alex Todeschini alex_todeschini at hotmail.com
Wed Oct 2 06:45:50 PDT 2002

Can anyone help me, when I receive Styles Sheet e-mails, my IMP
shows the on message's head the code.

---- My message ----
body { background-color:#fcfaf4; color:black; font-family:verdana; 
font-size:70%; margin:0px; } h1 { font-family:trebuchet ms; 
font-style:italic; font-size:30pt; color:#c3dcf4; margin:0px 0px -7px 0px; 
padding:0px; line-height:100%; } h2 { font-size:110%; margin-top:2em; } 
table { font-size:100%; } p { line-height:150%; margin-top:-1em; } ul { 
margin:5px 0px 10px 20px; } li { margin-bottom:1em; } a { color:#0066CC; 
text-decoration:none; } a:hover { text-decoration:underline; } 
table#tblBanner { background-color:white; width:100%; } div#divBody { 
padding:34px 10px 20px 118px; width:639px; } table#tblBox { width:450px; } 
table#tblMore { margin-top:-2em; } table#tblMore td img { margin-top:1em; } 
div#divFooter { margin-top:3em; } p#pTagLine { font-weight:bold; }
---- End of message ----

What can I resolve this? I use:

Horde horde-1.2.7-1cl
IMP: 2.2.8-1cl
PHP4: php4-4.1.1-6cl

Alex Todeschini.

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