AW: [horde] Error Accessing the Mail-Account

Sebastian Beutel s-beutel at
Mon Oct 14 15:50:02 PDT 2002


>-  which horde version
>Horde Version 2.1
>-  which horde applications (I guess IMP, at least)
>Horde only

this doesn't make much sense to me. First, please understand that
horde as a standalone is not very useful. It is the basic for all
applications. But as you like it...

>-  how do you authenticate (login)
>IMAP on Port 143
>-  any database? which?
>Mysql only for the horde

This is not quite clear. But I guess you should have another look to
your /horde/config/horde.php, especially the [auth] section. I guess
something is wrong there. Please check it again. If this doesn't
help, you might mail it to me, and I will have a look on it.

But if you gave an idea of what you're planning to do with horde, we
could help you even further.

>-  did you check the /horde/test.php?
>yep...was alright
>-  which mail server
>Apache 1.3.x
>U can Test if you want on

Checked - nothing happens when loggin in...

Hear from you?


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