[horde] IMAP installation bump
Eric Rostetter
Fri Nov 1 21:50:04 2002
Quoting Meyrick Chapman <meyrick@hedge-analytics.com>:
> I configure php-4.2.3 using the following parameters:
> ./configure --with-mysql=/usr/local/mysql --with-apxs --with-gettext
> - --with-xml --with-mcrypt --with-imap-src=/home/meyrick/src/imap
> --enable-ftp
You need to include --with-imap. If you want imap-ssl, you need *both*
--with-imap and --with-imap-ssl. You will also need the --with-imap-src.
The php configuration isn't smart enough to infer the others when you
specify only one or two. You need to specify all of them you want
(at least in my experience).
Eric Rostetter
The Department of Physics
The University of Texas at Austin
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