[horde] Re: setting the default theme for all users, IMP-4.0-cvs

Charles Kaucher kaucher at cgki.com
Thu Oct 31 13:46:48 PST 2002

Below is a valuable morsel of information.  And I would assume that this 
  preference could be set from the Horde configuration by the 
administrator.  However, When I log in as horde and hit the 
configuration button at the top, I get a blank dropdown list and a 
configure button next to it.  It doesnot seem to be working or am I 
missing something?

Jan Schneider wrote:
> Zitat von bash at twignation.com:
>>I am sure this is an easy one, but I will ask any ways, how do I change
>>default theme for IMP and Horde.  I noticed this in prefs.php:
>>// color theme
>>$_prefs['theme'] = array(
>>    'value' => '',
>>    'locked' => false,
>>    'shared' => true,
>>    'type' => 'enum',
>>    'enum' => array(''           => sprintf(_("%s Standard"),
>>                    'barbie'     => _("Barbie"),
>>                    'brown'      => _("Brown"),
> Just set 'value' to one of the values in the 'enum' array:
>      'value' => 'brown',
> Jan.
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