[horde] problem with password

alois blasbichler alois.blasbichler at sb-brixen.it
Tue Nov 12 05:22:13 PST 2002

i use horde 2.1 with imp3.1 and openldap 2.1.4

all works fine, i have only a smal problem with the password-tool
its working and i can change the password in ldap

the problem is that the site have strange settings: the background is white,
not very nice.
When i cancel the last 2 lines in conf.php, then the settings are the default

somebody can help ?


my entries in conf.php :
 $conf['server']['params']['default'] = array(
   'host' => 'localhost',
   'port' => 389,
   'basedn' => 'dc=sb-brixen,dc=it',
   'uid' => 'uid',
   'encryption' => 'crypt'

 $conf['server']['params']['optional'] = array(
 'userdn' => 'uid=' . Auth::getAUth() . ',dc=sb-brixen,dc=it'

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