[horde] changing default preferences

John Green green at blueheronbio.com
Tue Nov 12 16:13:17 PST 2002

I know I've asked this question a few times now, but I really need some
help.  I've been trying to figure this out, but don't know php.

I'm trying to change the default column settings for the turba browse
window.  I am logging in as guest (no authentication), and would like the
e-mail and telephone columns viewable with the name.

I have set up a mysql backend, added a user, and the preferences save fine.
I've been told to enter the mysql field in the prefs.php file.  This hasn't
helped me much.  Can anyone give me some direction on how to approach this?
I've spent a good portion of the last few days running in circles, and would
appreciate any help.

--  John

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