[horde] Translation/locale problem

Jan Schneider jan at horde.org
Wed Nov 13 04:08:37 PST 2002

Zitat von "Olivier Beytrison - OpenVs.com" <olivier at openvs.com>:

> so i go to imp/po
> rung xgettext.sh
> msgmerg fr_FR.po message.po > fr_FR_new.po
> added this 2 lines at then end
> msgid "No mail"
> msgstr "Aucun message"

This is wrong. The msgid "No mail" should already be somewhere in fr_FR_new.po.
> cp fr_FR_new.po
> and ran make install

Just 'make' is enough. I don't know if make install is doing anything.
> but now the translation in french for the IMP application don't work
> anymore
> (the make install reported that 1 message was not translated ...)

If the above didn't help try restarting the webserver after running make.


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