[horde] Pear Version 4.1

Rob Millerd rmillerd at rmsm.net
Thu Nov 14 11:27:29 PST 2002

I was looking at the test.php and under the pear section this is what i got:

*	PEAR - Yes
*	Recent PEAR - No
*	This version of PEAR is not recent enough. See the Horde PEAR page
<http://www.horde.org/pear/> for details.
*	Mail::RFC822 - Yes
*	Mail_Mime - No
*	You do not have the Mail_Mime package installed on your system. See the
INSTALL file for instructions on how to install the package.
*	Log - Yes
*	DB - Yes
*	Net_Socket - Yes
*	File_CSV - No
*	Horde will work without the File_CSV class, but there may be errors when
importing some CSV files.
*	Crypt_HCEMD5 - Yes
*	Date_Calc - Yes
*	HTML_Common/HTML_Select - Yes

I down loaded pear-4.1.0.tar.gz from the horde ftp and extracted it to
/usr/share/pear/ the include path that my php install is using.  After
restarting the httpd service and reloading the page I still get the same
thing.  Also when I looked at the DB.php and HTTP.php it still says Version
4.0, but I'm not sure that is the version of the pear libraries.


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