[horde] latest HEAD NLS.php error bind_textdomain_codeset()

Dale Bewley dlbewley at ucdavis.edu
Thu Nov 14 11:39:08 PST 2002

I see in the CVS commit that this should work in php > 4.2.0. I'm
running 4.2.3 and apache 1.3.27 on Solaris and I get this error when
loading up the first page.

[Thu Nov 14 09:15:38 2002] [error] PHP Fatal error:  Call to undefined
function:  bind_textdomain_codeset() in /usr/local/horde/lib/NLS.php on
line 109

Lists the bindtextdomain function. But not bind_textdomain_codeset.
What am I missing?
Dale Bewley <dlbewley at ucdavis.edu>

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