[horde] users and data in ldap and mysql

Chuck Hagenbuch chuck at horde.org
Fri Nov 29 05:52:11 PST 2002

Quoting alois blasbichler <alois.blasbichler at sb-brixen.it>:

> its possible to use horde with the users stored in ldap and mysql  ???
> i want that the athentication is maked with ldap, and the preferences are
> stored in ldap, but i want that kronolith saves the data in mysql.
> how can i make this ?

Configure authentication and preferences against LDAP, but tell Kronolith to
use MySQL.

> when i have the users created in ldap and mysql one problem i see  is to
> syncronize the password ?

You only have users in one place.

> but its possible this implementation or not ??



Charles Hagenbuch, <chuck at horde.org>
"People ask me all the time what it will be like living without otters."
 - Google, thanks to Harpers

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