[horde] Categories / Nag / Mnemo

Laurent Larquère llarquere at aacom.fr
Fri Dec 6 14:16:30 PST 2002

Hi Tim
$conf['category']['driver'] = 'sql';
$conf['category']['params'] = array();
$conf['category']['params']['phptype'] = '*pg*sql';
$conf['category']['params']['hostspec'] = 'localhost*:8621*';
$conf['category']['params']['username'] = 'hordelui';
$conf['category']['params']['password'] = 'lemotdepasse';
$conf['category']['params']['database'] = 'hordemoi';
$conf['category']['params'][*'table'] = 'horde_categories*';
$conf['category']['params']['*port'] = '8621*';
$conf['category']['params']['*protocol'] = 'unix*';
and if  i change this setup
kronolith, nag and mnemo give a blank page

hope this help

Tim Glen wrote:

>On 12/5/02 6:40 PM, "Randy Tunison" <RandyTunison at higlum.com> wrote:
>>Quoting Tim Glen <tim at nonfiction.ca>:
>>>$conf['category']['params']['password'] = '*******';
>>Is that really your password?
>Of course not. Somehow I didn't think it would be a good idea to broadcast
>the password...
>Does anyone have categories set up differently? They haven't seemed to work
>for me yet, regardless of configuration.

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