[horde] More IMP errors

Deepak Suthar groups at planetstoli.com
Mon Dec 9 18:06:11 PST 2002

Scratch that last post, I've figured out that on the login screen for imp,
the username and password it is looking for is the Pop3 username and
password.  Not the one that was entered in the horde_users table.

That brings me to another question, I've got several pop accounts I'd like
to check.  Is there an easy way to accomplish this?  Can I just add another
$server entry in the servers.php?  I also want to be able access this from
one access point.  www.planetstoli.com/horde/imp.

----- Original Message -----
From: "Deepak Suthar" <groups at planetstoli.com>
To: <horde at lists.horde.org>
Sent: Monday, December 09, 2002 7:09 PM
Subject: [horde] More IMP errors

> Got thru first round of errors, but now I cannot login.  All I get is the
> generic "Login failed for some reason. Most likely your username or
> was entered incorrectly." msg.
> I went thru the newsgroups and made sure the db had the horde_users table,
> added my username(char) and password(md5), removed, readded, double and
> triple checked the password.  Is there somewhere else I need to add a
> user/password?
> Also, my ISP is hosting my site/mySQL.  When I ran the scripts in the /db
> folder the tables were created properly but the last statement with the
> GRANT statement failed for I don't have the permissions to GRANT.  Could
> this be part of the issue?
> I went to the imp/test.php and got the following when I ran the IMAP
> test(server.php is at bottom of mail):
> IMP Version
> IMP: 3.1
> PHP Version
> View phpinfo() screen
> PHP Version: 4.2.3
> PHP Major Version: 4.2
> PHP Minor Version: 3
> PHP Version Classification: release
> You are running a supported version of PHP.
> PHP IMAP Support Test
> server="www.planetstoli.com" user="dsuthar"
> mailbox="{www.planetstoli.com:143}INBOX"
> Warning: Couldn't open stream {www.planetstoli.com:143}INBOX in
> /usr/local/plesk/apache/vhosts/planetstoli.com/httpdocs/horde/imp/test.php
> on line 157
> Warning: imap_mailboxmsginfo(): supplied argument is not a valid imap
> resource in
> /usr/local/plesk/apache/vhosts/planetstoli.com/httpdocs/horde/imp/test.php
> on line 158
> INBOX has messages ( new recent)
> Warning: imap_close(): supplied argument is not a valid imap resource in
> /usr/local/plesk/apache/vhosts/planetstoli.com/httpdocs/horde/imp/test.php
> on line 160
> Notice: Login failed. (errflg=1) in Unknown on line 0
> Notice: Login failed. (errflg=1) in Unknown on line 0
> Notice: Login failed. (errflg=1) in Unknown on line 0
> Notice: Too many login failures (errflg=2) in Unknown on line 0
> ***************************************************
> server.php
> *****************************************************
> <?php
> /*
>  * $Horde: imp/config/servers.php.dist,v 2002/06/04 17:04:52 jan
> Exp $
>  *
>  * This file is where you specify what servers people using your
>  * installation of IMP can log in to. There are a number of properties
>  * that you can set for each server:
>  *
>  * name: This is the plaintext, english name that you want displayed
>  * to people if you are using the drop down server list.
>  *
>  * server: The hostname of the mail server to connect to.
>  *
>  * protocol: One of 'imap/notls' (or only 'imap' if you have a
>  * c-client version 2000c or older), 'pop3', 'imap/ssl', or
>  * 'pop3/ssl'.  If it's pop3 you're going to be connecting to a POP3
>  * mail server instead of IMAP (so make sure the port is correct - 110
>  * by default), and all folder options will be automatically turned
>  * off. The two ssl options will only work if you've compiled PHP
>  * against an SSL-enabled version of c-client, used the
>  * --with-imap-ssl flag compiling PHP, and you have a mail server
>  * which supports SSL. The default ports are 993 for IMAP over SSL,
>  * and 995 for POP3 over SSL.
>  *
>  * NOTE: If you are using a self-signed server certificate with with
>  * imap/ssl or pop3/ssl, you MUST add /novalidate-cert at the end of the
>  * protocol string. So for imap, this would be "imap/ssl/novalidate-cert",
>  * and for pop3 it would be "pop3/ssl/novalidate-cert". This is necessary
>  * tell c-client not to complain about the lack of a valid CA on the
>  * certificate.
>  *
>  * port: The port that the mail (imap or pop) service this server runs
>  * is on.
>  *
>  * folders: The folder path for the IMAP server. i.e. UW IMAP
>  * generally looks to "mail/" while Cyrus and Courier put folders
>  * under "INBOX." (not the trailing dot. IMPORTANT: Use this only if
>  * you want to restrict users to this subfolder. If you set this to
>  * 'INBOX.' with Cyrus or Courier-IMAPd, then users will not be able
>  * to use any shared folders - nothing outside of INBOX. will be
>  * visible (except, of course, their INBOX itself). If you simply want
>  * to mask out the INBOX. prefix (or another prefix) for presentation
>  * purposes, use the 'namespace' attribute.
>  *
>  * namespace: This is where you put any paths that you want stripped
>  * out for presentation purposes (i.e., you don't want your users to
>  * have to know that their personal folders are actually subfolders of
>  * their INBOX). A common value for this with Cyrus-style IMAP servers
>  * is 'INBOX.'. NOTE: If you have shared folders, using this may
>  * create confusion between shared folders and personal folders, if
>  * users have folders with the same name as a shared folder.
>  *
>  * maildomain: What to put after the @ when sending mail. i.e. if you
>  * want all mail to look like "From: max at the-triumvirate.net" set
>  * maildomain to "the-triumvirate.net". It is generally useful when
>  * the imap host is different from the mail receiving host. This will
>  * also be used to complete unqualified addresses in the compose
>  * screen.
>  *
>  * smtphost: If specified, and $conf['mailer']['type'] is set to 'smtp',
>  * IMP will use this host for outbound SMTP connections.  This value
>  * overrides any existing $conf['mailer']['params']['host'] value at
> runtime.
>  *
>  * realm: What to append to usernames for preferences and Horde
>  * authentication to prevent login clashes on virtual host setups.
>  *
>  * preferred is only useful if you want to use the same servers.php
>  * file for different machines: if the Hostname of the IMP Machine is
>  * identical to one of those in the preferred list, then the
>  * corresponding option in the select box will include SELECTED,
>  * i.e. it is selected per default. Otherwise the first entry in the
>  * list is selected.
>  *
>  * Here are some example configurations:
>  */
> // Any entries whose key value ('foo' in $servers['foo']) begin with
> // '_' (an underscore character) will be treated as prompts, and you
> // won't be able to log in to them. The only property these entries
> // need is 'name'. This lets you put labels in the list, like this
> // example:
> // $servers['_prompt'] = array(
> //    'name' => 'Choose a mail server:'
> //);
> $servers['imap'] = array(
>     'name' => 'IMAP Server',
>     'server' => 'www.planetstoli.com',
>     'protocol' => 'imap/notls',
>     'port' => 143,
>     'folders' => 'mail/',
>     'namespace' => '',
>     'maildomain' => 'www.planetstoli.com',
>     'smtphost' => 'mail.planetstoli.com',
>     'realm' => 'planetstoli.com',
>     'preferred' => ''
> );
> //$servers['cyrus'] = array(
> //    'name' => 'Cyrus IMAP Server',
> //    'server' => 'cyrus.example.com',
> //    'protocol' => 'imap/notls',
> //    'port' => 143,
> //    'folders' => '',
> //    'namespace' => 'INBOX.',
> //    'maildomain' => 'example.com',
> //    'realm' => 'example.com',
> //    'preferred' => ''
> //);
> $servers['pop'] = array(
>     'name' = 'POP3 Server',
>     'server' = 'mail.planetstoli.com',
>     'protocol' = 'pop3',
>     'port' = 110,
>     'folders' = '',
>     'namespace' = '',
>     'maildomain' = 'planetstoli.com',
>     'realm' = 'planetstoli.com',
>     'preferred' = ''
> );
> //$servers['exchange'] = array(
> //   'name' => 'Exchange 5.5 server',
> //    'server' => 'exchange.example.com',
> //    'protocol' => 'imap',
> //    'port' => 143,
> //    'folders' => '',
> //    'namespace' => '',
> //    'maildomain' => 'example.com',
> //    'realm' => '',
>  //   'preferred' => ''
> //);
> ?>
> --
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