[horde] login problems

Marc Lanctot marc.lanctot at mail.mcgill.ca
Sat Dec 28 02:01:15 PST 2002

Hello everyone,

I'd like to use Chora. I have a CVS server installed on the same machine 
as my web server. My CVSROOT directory is in /cvs. I have 3 users that 
are in a group called cvs that can access the cvs server without any 

I followed the installation instructions, and spent the majority of 
today trying to install Horde and Chora. After re-installing php many 
times, the Horde test.php script now works and is giving good results. 
If I go to http://myserver/horde/ I get the login page.

I installed Chora inside a subdirectory of horde, I try loading cvs.php, 
and it brings me to the login page.

The problem is that I have no idea what to put as username & password. 
Is there a "user base" config file I must edit? I've tried ALL the cvs 
(machine) usernames and their passwords, and the root uname & pwd. I 
even tried it with bogus usernames & passwords. Every time I enter it 
in, a new login page is loaded with absolutely no error message; just 
nothing happens except the password field is cleared, as if it's 
bringingme back to the login page. The same thing happens when I go 
Horde's index.php. So, I can't get in.

I cannot find anything about users (unless it has to do with mySQL users 
or IMP users which I'm both not interested in) in the installation 
instructions.. can anywone give me a hand?


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