[horde] Internet Explorer and Horde

Heikki Ylipaavalniemi heikki.y at empiria.org
Sun Dec 29 14:02:25 PST 2002

Hello horde,

  I have installed a Horde frame with mnemo, turba, kronolith and IMP. And the installation seems to
  work fine except for translations. The weird problems seems to only happen with Internet Explorer.
  When accessing the page with Netscape or Lynx or Opera everything shows correctly in Finnish like
  I configured it to. But when accessing Horde with Internet Explorer everything is in English what
  ever I do, I can try to choose from the popup menu and login but it's still in English. What might
  be causing this? I have asked other users to try the page with Internet Explorer and they are
  experiencing the same problem so it can't be a configuration of my browser because other IE users
  are experiencing the same.

  Any ideas would be nice.

  Thank you.

  I'm running:
  Red Hat
  PHP 4.2.2

Best regards,
 Heikki                          mailto:heikki.y at empiria.org

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