[horde] Re: [imp] conf.php missing in CVS

Eric Rostetter eric.rostetter at physics.utexas.edu
Mon Jan 6 19:23:30 PST 2003

Quoting Rob Brandt <bronto at csd-bes.net>:

> I noticed this too; I can imagine that the reason is that people
> will frequently upgrade from the snapshots, and the new conf.php
> from snapshot would overwrite the existing conf.php along with
> everything else.

No, this is not, and never has been, true.  Updates never overwrote the
conf.php file (while it existed).

> There should be a better way, though.  It should be at least
> documented what ownership and permissions to set it to.

It is fairly well documented in docs/INSTALL for each app, though the
actual topic of file ownership/permission is not currently in there.

> Rob
> > I just downloaded CVS horde/imp and some other horde modules.
> > Seems that conf.php is missing from just about every one, and
> > they all give me an error saying this file is required.  Why is
> > this file not in CVS?
> >
> > thanks!
> > Joe

Eric Rostetter
The Department of Physics
The University of Texas at Austin

Why get even? Get odd!

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