[horde] Status on install

Michael J. Pawlowsky mikejp at videotron.ca
Tue Jan 7 12:49:00 PST 2003

Well I'm still playing with the latest cvs of all the modules to try and
get them going. But I'm not really sure what should be working and what
is not.

The only thing I really would like to get working (and none of this is
production) is chora. I can see the first level of the repository but
when I try to expand a module I get an empty page. Anyone have an idea
of what might be going on?

The URL it's sending is:
web is the name of my module.

NO messages at all on httpd_error, php_error, horde_log

Horde Home gives me a blank page. (found the problem had added summary
of klutz - which gave fatal error, had to remove pref manually in
database. should be a way to detect this and send error message. Perhaps
trap with @?

Mail (imp) seems to work perfectlty

Address Book only has Name Alias Email Field for import.

Files Works

Network works but - services all ports gives me "document contains no
data" - if I select them all except all services is ok.

Meetings don't save

Calendar doesn't save

Headlines works except invalid weather station

Discussions work for titles. But no individual messages

CVS get blank screen when expanding a module (had it working before
moving to CVS version)

Bugs No ticket state or Priorities

Notes seems ok

Tasks works...  but I occasionally loose the style sheet

Bookmarks Cant create categories... goes to blank screen

Comics update gives me blank screen (html and body open and close tags
only) also get PHP Fatal error:  Call to undefined function: 
imageexists() in /var/www/html/horde/klutz/lib/api.php on line 90
(missing an include perhaps)

CMS I get:
Giapeto now uses the Horde Template system. Your Giapeto is not
configured or not found!
Copy the giapeto/config/templates/pages/pages.inc.dist file
to giapeto/config/templates/pages/pages.inc
and create your site web page using the following available tags:
But that pages does not exist.

Time tracker seems to work

Oh.. and of course my menu bar is too small to fit the rest....  :-)

Thanks Mike

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