[horde] onLoad()

Derek Martin derek at younet.okstate.edu
Wed Jan 8 09:55:33 PST 2003

Hi there, on several pages (logins mostly) I notice this line:
$js_onLoad = 'setFocus()';
I am having troubles with it (not sure why yet), but will the entire
world explode if I comment it out?  Does it serve a functional purpose
or is it something that is just nice to have???

For the curious, the problem is here setFocus() object expected and pops
up again on 191: 

<input type="submit" value="Log in" name="button" tabindex="4"
style="font-family: Arial; font-size: 9" onclick="return
submit_login();"></span></font><p align="left">

which is something else...hmmm, maybe I have a bigger issue...any

I am using all production releases and IMP is doing my logins...?



Derek Martin
YOU Networks Administrator
http://you.okstate.edu <http://you.okstate.edu/> 
derek at younet.okstate.edu
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