[horde] Virtual doamin support on CVS

Tony Earnshaw tonni at billy.demon.nl
Thu Jan 16 08:54:07 PST 2003

tor, 2003-01-16 kl. 16:15 skrev Nathan Stratton:

> I am trying to make a single horde system that everybody will reach at the
> same domain allow users to log in as user at virtual using the latest CVS.
> When users send mail it should use @virtual for the from address. I did
> some searches on the lists but I was not able to figure it out. I also
> checked the FAQ and found:

> [IMP 3.x]: It is possible in Horde 2.x and IMP 3.x to use virtual hosts,
> but at this time we have no instructions for doing so. You can check the
> IMP mailing list archives for information.

Others might know how to this with an SQL backend (I don't), but it
should be relatively easy to set up with LDAP, outside of Horde (Imp
authentication). Downside is, that you would have to be quite a
practiced LDAP admin to do it.

> Also, is it possible to have all the IMAP/POP accounts on the same box?
> How would john at foo and john at bar accounts keep from conflicting.

Should be - I have no experience in practice. My imapd (WU 2002a) uses
pam_ldap for authentication and simply follows the home directories that
the LDAP server doles out.Adding different servers, even, for different
peoples' home directories is all part of the task LDAP takes over from
NIS+, but whether the imapd server itself is capable of that I don't

Not only that, but my own smtp mail server, Exim 4.12, is LDAP-based
too, so it knows where to send the incoming mail (even to different
servers - and that bit I can do). Naturally everything is based on one
and the same the same LDAP DIT.

> Sorry to ask what must be a very common question, but I could not figure
> it out from the FAQ or docs.

Doesn't seem to be that common on this list.




Tony Earnshaw

When all's said and done ...
there's nothing left to say or do.

e-post:		tonni at billy.demon.nl
www:		http://www.billy.demon.nl

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