[horde] enable UTF-8 then cause these problems

Jan Schneider jan at horde.org
Sun Jan 19 09:20:03 PST 2003

Zitat von David Chang <david at thbuo.gov.tw>:

> Hi all:
> Today i update horde via cvs,I make these changes
> 1.Set horde/config/nls.php
>    $nls['conf']['enable_utf'] =  true ;
> 2.Chang php.ini like this:
>    mbstring.language = Chinese
>    mbstring.internal_encoding = UTF-8
>    mbstring.http_input = auto
>    mbstring.http_output = UTF-8
>    mbstring.func_overload = 7

These ini settings aren't necessary anymore if you enable utf-8 support.

> 3.Restart apache+php 4.3
> After login into horde ,some places look right with Chinese format ,but
> some
> are not.I thought maybe mb_string not be used in some place,so cause such
> problem.
> There are
>     1.imp->option->Personal Information.
>       (Original data stored in Mysql with BIG-5 format)
>     2.nag/mnemo/kronolith's category name.
>       (Original data stored in Mysql with BIG-5 format)
>     3.Calendar's name,Notepad's name & Task Lists's name
>        (Original data stored in Mysql with BIG-5 format)

These are stored in the preferences. Should be fixed now.

>     3.name in trean.
>       (Original data stored in Mysql with BIG-5 format)

This is intentional. As you may have noticed only the bookmark
titles/descriptions are affected, the categories should be encoded correctly.
The reason for this is that all bookmarks from a category are stored in a
serialized format. That means that no conversion to the database's charset
is necessary.
Though it might be possible to converts the descriptions charset I decided
that it doesn't make much sense. The side effect is that it only works if
you create new bookmarks. Old bookmarks are broken. 

>     4.some of custome files in Projects/config/*.php,eg
>         'name' entry in
> imp/config/server.php
> ,gollem/config/backend.php,passwd/config/backends.php
>     5. horde|imp/config/motd.php

PHP (if not otherwise configured) expects scripts to be iso-8859-1 encoded.
I don't see a way to include scripts that have a different encoding than the
"normal" scripts. 
If anyone knows how/if this is possible I'd appreciate a solution for this
>     6. horde|imp/locale/zh_TW/help.xml

This should work now too.


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