[horde] To Heikki Ylipaavalniemi regarding languages / translations

Heikki Ylipaavalniemi heikki.y at empiria.org
Wed Jan 29 15:07:52 PST 2003

Hello Mailinglists,

The problem is just that, you don't have any locales installed. I installed the Finnish locales and
the languages started to work.

30. tammikuuta 2003, 0:45, you wrote:

M> Hi, 

M> Sorry, it is a long mail.

M> I work at a school in Sweden and I seem to get the same problem as you = 
M> nothing hapens when user changes language to other than en_US from IE, but 
M> works fine with other browsers. 

M> I don't have any other locale than en_US installed on my Rh 8.0 so that 
M> shouldn't be the problem. 

M> Namely, I got around it by adding en-us as language in IE-browser and selecting 
M> it as default. This way I got everything in whatever language I choose, but 
M> changing default language in IE to swedish gives me everything in english.

M> I did CVS 030128 16.00 

M> I have used older Horde/IMP/Turba during fall where language behavior has been 
M> slightly different = It worked fine the most of the time and switched 
M> temporarily to english and back to swedish sometimes. With that config I had 
M> swedish as preferred lang in IE, so something must have happened during fall. 
M> Cannot say when. I have some CVS lying and will check them to see approx date. 

M> Does anybody know what Netscape sends regarding prefferred lang and how that 
M> differs from that sent by IE? 

M> Does anybody know where to find it in the code so I can get it working? I would 
M> for starters ignore lang request (only swedish users, lang setting locked down 
M> to swedish). 

M> I might add that I havn't tried if Netscape works with swedish as preferred 
M> lang or if it works because english is the preferred lang...

M> All for now, Peter

Best regards,
 Heikki                            mailto:heikki.y at empiria.org

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