[horde] groups???
Guil Barros
listmail at metathusalan.com
Tue Feb 4 09:00:55 PST 2003
i like your config... couple of questions on it:
how do you setup the intro page with task/email/ etc info?
where do i enable the bottom toolbar?
Quoting "eculp at encontacto.net" <eculp at encontacto.net>:
> Quoting Chuck Hagenbuch <chuck at horde.org>:
> | Quoting Guil Barros <listmail at metathusalan.com>:
> |
> | > so i have everything setup ok, but i cant seem to be able to add groups.
> | > i imagine this has something to do with the fact that im having imp do
> the
> | > authentication through sql...
> |
> | No, no, no. This has *nothing* to do with it, and we never said so.
> |
> | That said, "i can't add groups" isn't anything we can give you advice on.
> | Want to be a bit more specific about what you'ved tried, what's going
> wrong,
> | error messages you're getting, etc.?
> I did these screenshots a while back and may be of some help
> This is a simple example of a non-privileged user sharing a calendar with
> another like user:
> http://gallery.morando.org/Shared-Calendar
> This is a group example done by an admin:
> http://gallery.morando.org/Horde-Group-Administration
> Good luck,
> ed
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