[horde] Help!

Hobbs, Richard hobbs at mongeese.co.uk
Thu Feb 20 15:48:42 PST 2003


Can anyone please help with this?? It's a serious problem... None of my
users can use horde at the moment...

I'm completely confused... I upgraded from an earlier version of horde
2.x, and I also upgraded all the components while I was there, but I
didn't re-create the config files, cos I assumed these would be

I'm reiceive horrible errors, and nobody can get into my site.

Can anyone offer any assistance please?


> -----Original Message-----
> From: horde-bounces at lists.horde.org
> [mailto:horde-bounces at lists.horde.org] On Behalf Of Hobbs, Richard
> Sent: 20 February 2003 19:54
> To: horde at lists.horde.org
> Subject: [horde] Help!
> Hello,
> I've just upgraded my horde installation to accommodate my
> ISP's recent PHP upgrade (which caused PEAR problems), but
> it's got even worse!
> Please take a look at:

It's giving the following message:

  Notice: Undefined index: session_timeout in
on line 497

  Notice: Undefined index: cache_limiter in
on line 499

Someone please help! lol


Richard Hobbs
hobbs at mongeese.co.uk
http://mongeese.co.uk | http://unixforum.co.uk

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