AW: [horde] horde an imp work stablely,but my address book page in a mess.

Udo Schubert news4dadirtyluk at
Wed Feb 26 06:34:28 PST 2003

>I found the address book page doesn't work properly.

what is it,that is not working correct?

>$cfgSources['localsql'] = array(
>    'title' => 'My Addressbook',
>    'type' => 'sql',
>    'params' => array(
>        'phptype' => 'mysql',
>        'hostspec' => 'localhost',
>        'username' => 'horde',
>        'password' => 'horde',
>        'database' => 'horde',
>        'options' => '',
>        'tty' => '',
>        'port' => '5432',
>        'protocol' => 'unix',
>        'table' => 'turba_objects'
>    ),

well...that can't be all there is...are you using the newest stable version
cvs head?

>I have carefully followed the install instruction and  have ONLY executed
>the #mysql < turba.sql command.but according to the instructions in the
>INSTALL file:
>I am not sure whether I have done all the job to CREATE THE DATABASE

if you executed the line above,then you did the right thing...and as there
are no errors,telling the horde db is missing i suppose you did that
for horde database should be alright...

>I also think problem may be in the sources.php file.But I don't know what
>the correct configuration,can you help me out?
all that needs to be set up are the mysql settings...and they seem to be
alright,but the file is missing some content (as it seems...)

it ain't clear,what the error is...without that information i think only few
people can help you ;)

best regards


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