[horde] Starting a group

Chuck Hagenbuch chuck at horde.org
Fri Mar 21 08:31:58 PST 2003

Quoting Drago Bokal <drago at virtuni.net>:

> But before we really commit to it, I hope you don't mind to ask some few
> questions:

Sure! I'll do my best here; hopefully others will chime in as well.

> * quite some tools don't work yet with the new release of Horde. How come
> - is this a common problem with new releases? Any estimates about when 
> will the projects be upgraded? Can one aid the upgrading process?

I'm not really sure what you mean? Everything that has a stable branch
should work with Horde 2.0 (for some later modules, 2.1, but that is
documented); newer versions of Horde don't *require* updates to the other
apps. Again, not quite sure what your question is or what you're getting at.

> * is there something like developement strategy or white paper? In what
> state is the documentation: I've seen some hordedoc on CVS, but looks 
> there is nothing with "head and tail" yet, or em I mistaken?

The documentation is pretty shaky; mostly this list. There are a couple of
useful presentations at http://horde.org/papers/, and the code itself is
pretty well documented.

> Can one run PHPDoc on horde to obtain something understandable and
> useful?

Definitely. See http://dev.horde.org/

> * Is hored open towards the other systems? For instance, could one make
> an interface to bugzilla to manage bugs from within Horde (under 
> assumption bugzilla allows that). And, from within: if we
> develop a new feature within a standard Horde module, can one submit it
> to the developers and have it implemented in the main stream releases?

We are certainly open to it. We have more and more of our own functionality
made available now via XML-RPC; see the whupsey CVS module for a client for
Whups (our project/ticket-tracking app) that's written in C.

And feature submissions are usually committed pretty quickly if they are
well written (see horde/docs/CODING_STANDARDS) and fit the general Horde


Charles Hagenbuch, <chuck at horde.org>
"... It is not more light we need, but more warmth! We die of cold, not of
darkness. It is not the night that kills, but the frost." - Miguel de Unamuno

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