[horde] Horde and Firebird

Francesco Consumi consumi at istitutodeglinnocenti.it
Tue Mar 25 08:10:32 PST 2003

 > PEAR DB has a portability mode that we set that should convert array keys;
 > at least it takes care of it with Oracle. You didn't say anything about
 > actual DB driver you're using, though, or what version of PHP/PEAR you
 I'm sorry, I did'nt specified my configuration:
 Redhat 7.3, apache 1.3, updated with PHP 4.2.3 and the last PEAR version
 upgrade-all" executed this morning.....)
 what's the pear's "portability mode" ? how can I enable it ?
 Many thanks for the support.
 ah, I see that the italian translation of horde lacks some periods and words.
 If I can help you.........

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