[horde] Re: Horde Login (HEAD)

Phil Petersen philpetersen at philpetersen.com
Sun Mar 30 05:22:38 PST 2003

After more poking, prodding, and massaging, I finally got the HEAD working
with all of the apps. I did this by commenting out the lines in login.php
that creates a new session down around line 75:

    /* Destroy any existing session on login and make sure to use a
     * new session ID, to avoid session fixation issues. */
//    Horde::getCleanSession();
    if ($auth->authenticate(Horde::getPost('horde_user'),
                            array('password' =>
Horde::getPost('horde_pass')))) {

Phil Petersen
You know it's a crazy world when the best rapper is white, the best
golfer is black, the Swiss have the Americas Cup, the French think we're
arrogant, and the Germans don't want war.

>Problem seems to start occuring after patch in lib/Horde.php at line 155
><                 $new_session_id = base64_encode($GLOBALS['UNIQUE_ID']);
>>                 $new_session_id = $GLOBALS['UNIQUE_ID'];
>the patch was about to add function base64_encode to sessionID.
>when you remove the function, it will be working, (for me does).
>This is not causing the problem, but side effect. It might sometimes
>occure the problem with session, as I realized, but it's once per 100s
>generated sessionID. hope this helps developers to find the real problem
>Is anybody successfully running latest CVS horde and IMP ?
>I wonder if all have the same problem or not.
>Note I'm using files for session. I tried sql session handler,
>it takes me in, but when I select any application, I'm redirected to
>login page. This was also happening before patch, that broke my
>file session handler

>any suggestions ?


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----- End forwarded message -----

You know it's a crazy world when the best rapper is white, the best
golfer is black, the Swiss have the Americas Cup, the French think we're
arrogant, and the Germans don't want war.

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