horde logging (was) Re: [horde] failing to log in to horde cvs HEAD using imap]

Bill Dossett bd at emtex.com
Mon Apr 7 03:56:39 PDT 2003

sorry about this, but this list is obviously therapeutic in that whenever
I post a question, I then find the answer... obviously I was doing some
random typing in vi and uppercased the S on server ... and now it
all works, thanks for listening :-)


Bill Dossett wrote:
> Thanks, wish that would have fixed it, but unfortunately it hasn't.
> Did an update this morning and I'm still getting nothing in the logs.
> I was wrong when I said it was creating the horde.log, it
>  isn't, I deleted it and it isn't even creating the log file....
> There is something in /tmp.php.log that could have to do with
> it I suppose... not sure how much of my config files and stuff
> anyone needs to diagnose this, if I haven't included everything,
> sorry, not trying to hide anything, including my stupidity ...
> the error that I am getting when the horde login  page loads is:
> PHP Notice:  Undefined index:  server in 
> /home/httpd/htdocs/horde/imp/templates/login/login.inc on line 20
> My imp/servers.php  looks like this:
> $servers['imap'] = array(
>     'name' => 'IMAP Server',
>     'Server' => 'localhost',
>     'protocol' => 'imap/notls',
>     'port' => 143,
>     'folders' => 'mail/',
>     'namespace' => '',
>     'maildomain' => 'emtex.com',
>     'smtphost' => 'mailgate.emtex.com',
>     'realm' => 'emtex.com',
>     'preferred' => '',
>     'dotfiles' => false,
>     'hierarchies' => array());
> tried imap, imap/notls and several others... but I don't think that is 
> the problem
> right now as I am getting nothing in my imap or secure logs about failed 
> logins
> or anything even tryin to login  and I am running imap and
> secure imap and tried the secure port as well and still nothing from the 
> imap
> server about failure logging in etc..., so it doesn't look as though
> it is even touch the imap port....  as stated before, I've just done a 
> cvs update
> this morning and that hasn't changed anything here... I've tried local host
> and the actual host names...
> horde/config/conf.php authentication section has:
> $conf['auth']['params'] = array();
> $conf['auth']['driver'] = 'application';
> $conf['auth']['params']['app'] = 'imp';
> and my test.php is at
> www.emtex.com/horde/test.php
> until at least until 1400gmt today, have to put
> the old version back then as I have users in the states that
> want to use it from then onwards...
> Thanks
> Bill Dossett
> Eric Rostetter wrote:
>> Quoting Bill Dossett <bd at emtex.com>:
>>> thanks, I'm using cvs HEAD from 3/apr/03
>>> not sure it that has it's own version number as well.
>> That's the problem.  Logging was broken in CVS HEAD on the 3rd and fixed
>> again on the 4th.  So simply update your checkout.

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