[horde] ouch. i accidently cross-posted this to the wrong group

Chris J Albertson alb at chrisalbertson.com
Tue Apr 8 14:02:26 PDT 2003

I ran across this same exact problem.
I ended up looking into the harde DB's to see what username it thought I was
loging in as. Turns out, it appeneded my domain name to my user name. So, in the
admin portion of the config.php, I had to place chris at chrisalbertson.com,
instead of just chris.

I hope this works for you as well. Check your DB to see how your username is
being stored.


Chris Albertson
Owner - ChrisAlbertson.com  (Actually, I rent, with an option to buy)

*Attached is a PGP signature file. You can find my public key at wwwkeys.pgp.net.*

Quoting Ryan McDonald <ryan at rlmnet.net>:

 Ouch.  i accidently cross-posted this to the wrong group (hermes).
 Heres what I was saying.....
 Ed (and everyone else),
 Thanks for responding but I think you misunderstood what I was saying.
 I can successfully set up admins in horde/config/conf.php like so...
 $conf['auth']['admins'] = array('johndoe');
 But my problem is that when I tell horde to let imp do the auth, like
 below,  johndoe is no longer an admin.
 $conf['auth']['driver'] = 'application';
 $conf['auth']['params']['app'] = 'imp';
 $conf['auth']['admins'] = array('johndoe');
 I promise I've read the documentation but I still can't figure out what
 I'm doing wrong as far as having imp-authed admins goes.
 eculp at encontacto.net wrote:
 > Quoting Ryan McDonald <ryan at rlmnet.net>:
 > | I have a reasonably sane install of the head-cvs of horde, imp, and
 > | hermes. (horde/imp works with no errors and there are no gotchas
 > seen on
 > | the test.php page)
 > |
 > | I keep getting the following error right when I click on Time
 > Tracking in
 > | the 'toolbar'.
 > |
 > | Fatal error: Call to undefined function: singleton()
 > | in /var/www/html/horde/hermes/time.php on line 17
 > |
 > | My sql database is created correctly and I have configured hermes to
 > use
 > | the right login credentials to mysql.
 > |
 > | I do have the latest pear and I do have the Log module for pear.
 > |
 > | By the way, if you let IMP do your main auth, how do you
 > | define "administrator" users?  I can define admins as long as I dont
 > use
 > | imp for the auth.
 > Ryan, you just need to configure the following in horde/config/conf.php
 > // Which users should be treated as administrators (root, super-user)
 > // by Horde? Example: $conf['auth']['admins'] = array('admin', 'john');
 > $conf['auth']['admins'] = array();
 > good luck,
 > ed
 > -------------------------------------------------
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