[horde] question out performance

Michael M Slusarz slusarz at bigworm.colorado.edu
Thu Apr 10 19:08:46 PDT 2003

Quoting Ryan McDonald <ryan at rlmnet.net>:

| 	I'm running the head-cvs of horde/imp.  I have it talking to an imapd
| running on the same box (localhost).  My imapd is using the dreaded mbox
| flat files and I have users that REFUSE to keep their boxes clean.  Some
| users have over 1000 mails in their inbox so needless to say, each time
| imp reloads their inbox, it takes 5-7 seconds.
| 	I've been reading the other perfomance thread but I really can't answer
| my question from that thread so here goes..  In my situation, would php
| accelerator or imap proxy help me?  It seems that imap proxy would only
| benefit me if my imapd was running on some other box.   Would php
| accelerator cache my reads of those massive (up to 100mb) flat files?

No.  PHP accelerators only precompile/cache the compiled code.  Your imap
server and file system is what is causing the hold up (for mbox files, it
is primarily the imap server.


Michael Slusarz [slusarz at bigworm.colorado.edu]
The University of Colorado at Boulder

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