[horde] IMAP Troubles

Eric Rostetter eric.rostetter at physics.utexas.edu
Sun May 4 21:55:17 PDT 2003

Quoting Mike Bowers <raptr24 at att.net>:

> I am running a server on RedHat 7.3. Recently one of the sysadmins
> upgraded our IMAP Server UWIMAP.

>From what?  Which version did he upgrade to?  Did he upgrade anything
else at the same time -- in particular php?

> Well ever since he did this IMAP
> stopped functioning.

Completely, or just in IMP?

> I even completely removed and reinstalled uwimap.

Need to know if other things were also upgraded, like php.

> Any suggestions?

If you haven't already, try using protocol string "imap/notls" instead
of just "imap".
> Mike Bowers
> PlanetModz Gaming Network Webmaster
> webmaster at planetmodz.com
> ViperWeb Hosting Server Manager
> mbowers at viperwebconsulting.com
> raptr24 at att.net
> All outgoing messages scanned for viruses
> using Norton AV 2002

Eric Rostetter
The Department of Physics
The University of Texas at Austin

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