[horde] OpenBSD packages and PEAR

joe ranier mlistdc at yahoo.com
Tue May 13 07:17:45 PDT 2003

Hello all,

I've searched and searched and still done more
searching,   and in all this searching I've discovered
that a lot of people are running into this problem,
but no one has been able to solve it.  So I come to
the source.

I am running OpenBSD 3.3-stable.  I downloaded and
installed php from the OpenBSD packages.  I have PHP
configured correctly using the php.ini-reccomended
file as my php.ini.  I am running the newest versions
of Apache and PHP.

I am also trying to run the newest version of Horde
(for IMP and Kronlith).  Here is where I'm running
into problems.  

I am getting the following messages on the test.php

    * PEAR - No
    * Check your PHP include_path setting to make sure
it has the PEAR library directory.
    * Recent PEAR - No
    * Mail - No
    * Log - No
    * DB - No
    * Net_Socket - No
    * Date - No
    * HTML_Common/HTML_Select - No
    * Unknown error: Failed opening
'Mail/mimeDecode.php' for inclusion

I checked /usr/local/lib/php and it does in fact have
all the PEAR directories in there.  When I checked the
PEAR page, I see that you can run PEAR list to see
what PEAR modules you have installed.  When I do this,
I get a core dump.

Has anyone been able to get Horde working correctly on
OpenBSD?  I would appreciate any help.


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