[horde] Prefs in LDAP not working

Anders Bruun Olsen anders at bruun-olsen.net
Mon Jun 2 08:17:45 PDT 2003

On Mon, Jun 02, 2003 at 04:29:27PM +0200, Anders Bruun Olsen wrote:
> > Do you have a line in your slapd.conf like this?
> > loglevel 296
> > What do your ACL's look like?
> > You really need to get the LDAP logging working, you'll be able to spot 
> > the problem quickly once you see what's going on.
> Okay, I have now found and fixed the slapd logging problem (it turns out
> there is a problem with the gentoo ebuild so that it does not enable
> logging unless DEBUG=1 is set). It now logs fine!
> It looks like horde tries to bind as
> uid=abo at dsl.dk,ou=accounts,dc=dsl,dc=dk instead of
> uid=abo,ou=accounts,dc=dsl,dc=dk. How can I tell horde not to append the
> domain to the uid?

Nevermind, I have it working now, René Lund Jensen answered me via
private mail and told me it was probably the realm setting in IMP that
did it, and it was!

Thanks for your help David and René :)

Version: 3.12
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