[horde] Server with two Hordes?

Eric Rostetter eric.rostetter at physics.utexas.edu
Mon Jun 2 10:52:30 PDT 2003

Quoting James Van Sickle <gothbert at spamcop.net>:

>    I have setup Horde 2.2 along with several modules on my FreeBSD server.  I
> would also like to install Horde 3 separately to experiment with.  While I

Should be easy to do and work fine.

> already have a separate SQL database setup, what other changes would I need

The separate SQL database is recommended, though you can get away without
it with some work.

> to
> make to the second version of Horde to function on the same server?  The

Just configure your web server to point to both installs, configure your
horde/config/registry.php for each to point to the correct paths, and then
adject if needed any settings like cookie_path and so on in your
horde/config/conf.php or horde/config/horde.php (different filename between
the two versions).

> server
> hosts several virtual domains so I could setup the second version of Horde on
> a
> new domain, if required.

Not required, but certainly possible.

> Any assistance would be greatly appreciated.

The above covers the basics.  Ask again if you have additional questions
not covered by the above.

> -James
> --
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Eric Rostetter
The Department of Physics
The University of Texas at Austin

Why get even? Get odd!

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