[horde] Can't log in?

Ron Cooper rcooper at jamesconeyisland.com
Tue Jul 8 20:17:31 PDT 2003

Quoting Richard Sumilang <richard at richard-sumilang.com>:

>1) I installed all the sql scripts into my database.
>2) I can't find where $conf['auth']['admins'] is, can you give me a
>3) Debugging is set at E_ALL
>4) Logging is enabled to /tmp/horde.log but that file is empty
>Any other ideas?

Richard, I'll resist the standard 'RTFM' or 'Read the archives' because
answers of this type are lazy, waste bandwidth and help absolutely no

Instead I understand that someone new to horde/imp can suffer with
information overload.  That having been said, please reference the
INSTALL file at:


" A Horde administrator account is any normal Horde account that has
been listed in the $conf['auth']['admins'] array in
horde/config/conf.php It is recommended that you define an
administrator account at this time"

This line is commented out by default, so this is probably your problem.

The fact is that all Horde apps have a /docs/ directory that contains
useful information.  Another good resource of information is the Horde
Faqs, the User FAQ: http://www.horde.org/faq/user/  and the
Administrator FAQ: http://www.horde.org/faq/admin/.

Last, while I understand you have not got horde/IMP running yet,
when you do, and if you happen to subscribe to these lists and read them
using IMP, you can click on the "Show Mailing List Information" link
in the Headers line and the resulting output will automagically give you
a link to the List-Archives which contains a wealth of information, as
well as other useful info such has how to unsubscribe, list-help etc.

The archives could use a search engine though, so
http://marc.theaimsgroup.com might prove to be more useful if in a

Hope this was useful


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