[horde] Next major release?

Anders Bruun Olsen anders at bruun-olsen.net
Wed Jul 16 04:38:47 PDT 2003


I apologize if this info is actually availble on horde.org somewhere,
but I have looked for it and couldn't find it anywhere.

I have a Horde/IMP/Turba installation and would like to add Forwards to
that, but since our mailsystem uses an LDAP backend the forwards info is
located in there. I can see that Forwards CVS HEAD seems to have the
needed support. To use the CVS version of Forwards I need the CVS
version of Horde/IMP/Turba as well it seems, so what I want to know is,
is there a timeframe for when the next major release will come or is the
release plan just "release when ready?".

What I am trying to find out here is whether it is worth my time to try
and setup a complete CVS install of Horde and the needed apps or whether
I should wait for the next major release which should have the features
I need...

Version: 3.12
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