[horde] Re: new horde 4.0 cvs very slow

Bulba007 bulba007 at wp.pl
Fri Jul 25 16:42:29 PDT 2003

Uzytkownik "Eric Rostetter" <eric.rostetter at physics.utexas.edu> napisal w
wiadomosci news:1059173750.4401578b4ae8e at mail.ph.utexas.edu...
> Quoting Bulba007 <bulba007 at wp.pl>:
> > In comparizon to previous version horde/imp system go to very slow!
> What previous version was that?  Did you change other things in the
> also (e.g. apache, php, ssl state, etc)?

My previous version was horde 2.1/imp ? from ports OBSD 3.3.

Now I changed: in my php.ini
max_execution_time = 40 from 20
memory_limit = 16M from 8M


post_max_size = 8M from 30M
upload_max_filesize = 8M from 30M

> > Stop to complicate it!
> No thanks.
I know the horde coders are working very hard!


Horde Version
  a.. Horde: 3.0-cvs
Horde Applications
  a.. Horde: 3.0-cvs
  b.. Imp: 4.0-cvs (run Imp tests)
  c.. Ingo: 2.0-cvs (run Ingo tests)
  d.. Turba: 2.0-cvs (run Turba tests)
PHP Version
  a.. View phpinfo() screen
  b.. View loaded extensions
  c.. PHP Version: 4.2.3
  d.. PHP Major Version: 4.2
  e.. PHP Minor Version: 3
  f.. PHP Version Classification: release
  g.. You are running a supported version of PHP.
PHP Module Capabilities
  a.. Ctype Support: Yes
  b.. DOM XML Support: Yes
  c.. FTP Support: Yes
  d.. Gettext Support: Yes
  e.. Iconv Support: Yes
  f.. IMAP Support: Yes
  g.. LDAP Support: No
  h.. Mbstring Support: No
  i.. MCAL Support: No
  j.. Mcrypt Support: Yes
  k.. MIME Magic Support: N/A
  l.. MySQL Support: Yes
  m.. OpenSSL Support: Yes
  n.. PostgreSQL Support: No
  o.. XML Support: Yes
  p.. Zlib Support: Yes
Miscellaneous PHP Settings
  a.. magic_quotes_runtime disabled: Yes
  b.. memory_limit disabled: Yes
  c.. file_uploads enabled: Yes
  d.. safe_mode disabled: Yes
  e.. session.use_trans_sid disabled: Yes
Required Horde Configuration Files
  a.. config/conf.php: Yes
  b.. config/html.php: Yes
  c.. config/mime_drivers.php: Yes
  d.. config/mime_mapping.php: Yes
  e.. config/nls.php: Yes
  f.. config/prefs.php: Yes
  g.. config/registry.php: Yes
PHP Sessions
  a.. Session counter: 1
  b.. To unregister the session: click here
  a.. PEAR Search Path (PHP's include_path):  .:/usr/local/lib/php
  b.. PEAR: Yes
  c.. Recent PEAR: Yes
  d.. Mail_RFC822: Yes
  e.. Mail_Mime: Yes
  f.. Log: Yes
  g.. DB: Yes
  h.. Net_Socket: Yes
  i.. Date_Calc: Yes
  j.. Auth_SASL: Yes
  k.. Net_URL: Yes
  l.. HTTP_Request: Yes
  m.. File_CSV: Yes

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