[horde] Horde/Imp replacement issues

AJ aj at mindcrash.com
Mon Sep 1 06:23:52 PDT 2003

It sounds like maybe you are missing some PHP options or maybe Pear modules.
Can you paste the output of test.php?


At 02:07 PM 9/1/2003 +0100, David Flood wrote:
>I'm fairly new to Horde/Imp but have recently been given the task of 
>updating our old
>horde/Imp setup.
>In order to do this I also needed to update php as well as horde and imp 
>which I did.
>Unfortunately I can't get logged into either horde or imp although the
>/horde/imp/test.php works using the imap protocol. When I attempt to log 
>into imp the
>page goes to /horde/imp/redirect.php but remains a plain white screen.
>I'm using or attempting to use it through https (i.e.
>https://www.example.com/horde/imp), I did copy it to http but the same 
>still happens.
>I'm running:
>apache 1.3.17
>php 4.3.2
>Horde 2.2.3
>Imp 3.2

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