AW: AW: [horde] Horde Require Root?

Kevin OSullivan sully at
Tue Sep 2 12:17:17 PDT 2003


I configured mysql_create.sql and prefs.sql and added the tables. I also edited horde.php. Also can you tell me what user/pass I use to login and where the admin pannel is? The help file does not seem to say!

--- "dadirtyluk" <news4dadirtyluk at> wrote:
>No root access needed...just do it ;)
>maybe there are some modules/progs for horde that do need root access,but
>imp/turba/kronolith/hermes don't need it, they just use the db
>just enter the right things in the create-script and the config for the
>modules that use mysql...
>best regards
>	udo
>-----Ursprüngliche Nachricht-----
>Von: Kevin OSullivan [mailto:sully at]
>Gesendet: Montag, 1. September 2003 15:48
>An: dadirtyluk
>Cc: horde at
>Betreff: Re: AW: [horde] Horde Require Root?
>I am simply installing Horde from a non-root account on my MySQL server.
>What I need to know is, does any part of the installation of Horde need root
>access? I do not have root access. The scripts seem to be creating a new
>database called "horde" but is that really needed or can I simply install it
>in my present database "thenet2k".
>Yes I am trying to install all the tables into a database.
>I also think that Horde is not very well documentated. Which is why I am not
>100% sure what to do!
>Many Thanks for your help.
>--- "dadirtyluk" <news4dadirtyluk at> wrote:
>>hi there!
>>>The main querie is the database. Im not really to sure about that one,
>>Horde really need its own database or can I simply use my
>>>exsiting one?
>>what is it you want to use it for? user-db?
>>or do you mean you have a running mysql-whatever server and want to
>>put horde-tables in there?
>>the last one is the normal way i guess...and should be what you want to do.
>>creating the db on your server should be done with the create-scripts in
>>horde/scripts/db directory and have a look at the docs/readmes
>>i don't know anything about using some existing user-db for horde...should
>>possible with some modifications but i don't think this is what you want to
>>do though...
>>best regards
>>	udo
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