[horde] missing icons

Jan Schneider jan at horde.org
Thu Sep 4 01:47:46 PDT 2003

Zitat von Karsten Römke <Biermann-Roemke at t-online.de>:

> hmm, I think I use the new prefs.php from horde/config
> but I found only one point which match:
> $_prefs['menu_view'] = array(
>      'value' => 'both',
>      'locked' => false,
>      'shared' => true,
>      'type' => 'enum',
>      'enum' => array('text' => _("Text Only"),
>                      'icon' => _("Icons Only"),
>                      'both' => _("Icons with text")),
>      'desc' => _("Menu mode:"));
> I thougth that the entry both is correct?


> If I put icon into the value nothing happen.

If you already _stored_ this option in your _personal_ preferences, it
doesn't matter what you put there.


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