[horde] using cyrus.php driver with ldap

Mark xa87n at yahoo.com
Thu Sep 4 07:39:06 PDT 2003

--- Mark <xa87n at yahoo.com> wrote:
> I'm trying to setup Horde using cyrus for a driver
> (lib/Auth/cyrus.php).
> Not sure what I'm doing wrong. I can log in fine, but administration
> part is not quite working. For example, when I log in as
> administrator
> and click on Administration -> Users, I get:
> Auth_cyrus: Backend does not have required capabilites.
> I've sniffed the traffic, and no packet even leaves the box (ldap is
> on
> another box, and cyrus imapd is on another), then I looked at the
> source a little and decided to seek help :). It looks like some error
> in my config, but not sure what. Google gives nothing, only few
> examples on using sql, and pretty much nothing on ldap. Here is my
> Auth
> section from horde/config/conf.php:
> $conf['auth']['driver'] = 'composite';
> $conf['auth']['params']['loginscreen_switch'] =
> '_horde_select_loginscreen';
> $conf['auth']['params']['admin_driver'] = 'cyrus';
> $conf['auth']['params']['drivers']['imp'] = 
> array('driver' => 'application',
>       'params' => array('app' => 'imp'));
> $conf['auth']['params']['drivers']['cyrus'] = 
> array('driver' => 'cyrus',
>       'params' => array('cyradmin' => 'cyrus',
>                         'cyrpass' => '<password>',
>       'imap_dsn' => '{<IMAP-IP>/imap/notls/novalidate-cert}'));
> $conf['auth']['params']['drivers']['cyrus']['params']['backend'] =
> array('driver' => 'ldap',
>         'params' => array('hostspec' => '<LDAP-IP>',
>         'basedn' => 'dc=example,dc=com',
>         'uid' => 'uid'));
> if (!function_exists('_horde_select_loginscreen')) {
>     function _horde_select_loginscreen() {
>         return 'imp';
>     }
> }
> Does anyone have an example config, or perhaps if you could tell me
> where my mistakes are or point me in some direction..
> Using CVS HEAD from Aug 14th.
> Thanks.

Still stuck, is anyone using Horde in this config? Can anyone offer any
advices, even theoretical ones?

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