[horde] IMP newbie question

Peter Abrahamsen peidran at u.washington.edu
Sun Sep 14 16:26:43 PDT 2003


Err, I think you are confused. Sendmail is a Mail Transfer Agent (MTA) - it
moves mail between mail servers, and also accepts outgoing mail from mail
clients. It only groks SMTP (Simple Mail Transfer Protocol). You always need
an MTA.

POP3 and IMAP are competing (so to speak) mail access protocols that allow
mail clients to read/fetch mail stored on a server. You can authenticate
against pop3 or imap.

IMP is a mail client. It connects to a mail backend (such as pop3 OR imap)
to retreive mail, and sends mail through an MTA, such as Sendmail.

It sounds like you want Horde to authenticate via IMP, which can
authenticate against POP3. I don't know quite what you're using MySQL for,
except perhaps preferences/sessions. If that's the case, you don't need to
do any sort of authentication with MySQL save setting up a user (ONE user)
for Horde to connect as. You should set up at least one server configuration
in IMP, then uncomment the lines at the top of registry.php to have Horde
authenticate against IMP.

If that's not the case, please correct me.


On Fri, Sep 12, 2003 at 05:03:12PM -0400, Eric P. Esterle wrote:
> Hello all,
> I have a linux box running Redhat 9, Sendmail 8.12.9, and Apache.  All of 
> those are working fine but I have a newbie question concerning IMP and 
> IMAP.  I have used the excellent IMP guide at 
> http://www.geocities.com/oliversl/imp/  as a reference.  Specifically, what 
> is the relationship between IMP, IMAP, POP3, and Sendmail?
> Before I go any further here are my configuration tests which list the 
> current state of my setup.
> http://edog.mine.nu/horde/test.php
> http://edog.mine.nu/horde/imp/test.php
> My intentions are to use my existing Sendmail server and POP3.  I am 
> wishing to authenticate once through IMP and MYSQL.  MYSQL is up and 
> running and all of the tables have been created.
> Basically what happens is that I cannot log in, bad username and password.
> ------------horde.php--------- I have tried changing this to POP3:110
> $conf['auth']['params']['dsn'] = '{edog.mine.nu:143/imap}INBOX';
> server="localhost" user="edog" mailbox="{localhost:143/imap}INBOX"
> bool(false)
> ---------------------------------------------
> I am thinking that I have totally not set up the IMAP part correctly.  I 
> was trying to get it to use the existing Sendmail POP3.
> I appreciate any help.  Thanks.
> --Eric Esterle 
> -- 
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Peter Abrahamsen              Seattle, Washington, USA
CEP, Phil, iSchool            http://www.abrahamsen.com/peter/
University of Washington      206.525.2702 (home)
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