[horde] Module Management Using Groups

Mike Bydalek mbydalek at zivix.com
Mon Oct 20 21:59:41 PDT 2003

I was doing some research on user/group authentication in an IMAP-auth
enviornment, and I see how you can add users to groups via the Groups module
under Administration.  However, I wanted to take it further and somehow specify
which groups are able to have certain access to certain modules, which I'm not
sure can be done.

I see that in the horde registry.php file, I can set a module to 'admin' which
seems to only allow access to the module if the user is an administrator.  What
I would like to accomplish is to create a group "Normal Users" say, and have
them only be able to "see" the Mail & News modules.  Also, I would like a group
"Office Users" who have access to "Mail & News" along with the "Personal
Information" modules.

If there is a way to do this, it would completely make my life easier due to me
only having to admin 1 application rather than Horde and a stand-alone mail-app
for users who just need e-mail.

I'm running Horde CVS as of 10/20/03

Thank you for your time,
Mike Bydalek

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