[horde] Attachment download problems

Delian Krustev krustev at krustev.net
Fri Oct 24 10:06:57 PDT 2003

Pretty close.
You should increase the memory_limit parameter in php.ini .
Be careful with that if this is a production system.
The problem is not the size of the attachment itself. 
If total attacments size exceeds the size You've mentioned
You'll face it again. Horde tries to load the message in
memory and hits the memory limit. You could also bump into
this if You try to download as zip even smaller attachments.

I think horde should handle the memory limits more gracefully .
At least an error message could be displayed.
Other approaches might be to read the message on portions and
pipeline it over a pipe, let's say.
It's probably not so easy to implement(and be platform independent).
I don't also know whether IMAP or POP protocols supports partial 
message/attachment fetching(similar to http content ranges).
Probably horde/imp developers could help.

Chuck, Jan ?

On Wednesday 22 October 2003 04:34, Alejandro Flores López wrote:
> Hi there guys.
> Im new to horde, its really cool!
> im having some troubles, when we check the webmail and we have attachments,
> if the attach is >5mbs i cannot recover the file, in fact i make click on
> download and appear something happend and thats all, i make again click on
> download.. again the same, however with attachments <3 mbs it works cool.
> My theory was the attachment size on php.ini or php.init or
> /etc/httpd/conf.d/php.conf i have checked all that files and the values
> looks good, i have cheked my hard disk space for tmp , no problem. Does
> exist something iam missing to fix this trouble?
> Thanks in advance
> Im using Linux, plesk, horde ver 2.2.3
> Best regards.
> Alejandro Flores López
> afloresl at mexis.net
> 2003-10-21

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