[horde] RE: HELP: Horde "Invalid" FILTERS

swap swap at graphic-design.com
Wed Nov 12 03:09:36 PST 2003


Someone responded to my post (Rick) needing help
with HORDE filters...

   > Is there ANYONE on this list who can look at my list
   > of "Filter Rules" and tell me which one is causing:
   >     "ERROR: invalid rule"
   > and preventing the filters from working.

Thank goodness Rick replied with...

   > Hello Fred
   > I'll have a look, if it's procmail rules I may be able
   > to help you if not, I'll at least take a stab at it.

...unfortunately he didn't include an email address other than the list.

I don't think I should send my filters to the list.
Particularly since there are words in it that would get

Rick... if you could contact me via private email I'll send
the listing -- it's about 100 lines of text.

Thanks.  I really need some help with all this spam.

I can't believe no one else here is using those filters.
When they work, they work really well.

I also can't believe the programmer would have the ERROR
return "Failed: Invalid arguement" and not give some kind
of reason why the filters failed.  Duh. It returns you to
a blank screen saying "There are no messages in this mailbox"
when you know there are 300 spams in that mailbox.

But it never gives any "reason" for the failure, or WHICH
filter rule was the culprit. Sheesh.


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