[horde] I'll pay...

David Pieper david at dpieper.com
Mon Nov 17 09:20:45 PST 2003

Ed.Lazor at AtFantasy.com wrote:
> php framework/install-packages.php
> ran successfully.
> I think the main problem is in recompiling PHP.  That 
 > doesn't account for the Log.php missing error, but
 > maybe resolving one problem will take care of the
 > other or at least make it easier to figure out.
> Horde / PHP require the imap server.  I downloaded 
 > cyrus-imapd-2.1.15.  It fails on compile, unable to
 > find "krb5.h".  I see it in /usr/kerberos/include,
 > but don't know how to let the compile know where the
 > file is.
> mod_ssl is also required, but it complains saying 
 > it needs Apache 1.3.x, instead of the 2.0.48 server
 > I have.  Not sure if I need to find another copy of
 > mod_ssl or downgrade Apache.
> Thoughts?
> -Ed

What OS are you running?

David Pieper

programmer n. /pro gram er/ A device for transmuting caffeine into code.

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